Ever wondered what are the most toxic games in the world? Join us as we dive into the darker side of online gaming.

Gaming has become an incredibly popular form of entertainment, with millions of players around the world enjoying the thrill of virtual adventures. However, not all gaming communities are filled with friendly and supportive players. In this article, we will explore the Top 10 Most Toxic Gaming Communities, where negative behavior, harassment, and toxicity are unfortunately prevalent.

It’s important to remember that not everyone playing these games are toxic, but these specific gaming communities have developed a reputation for hosting more than their fair share of troublesome individuals.

League of Legends

League of Legends, made by Riot Games, is famous for its intense competition and the strong emotions it brings out in players. But with tough competition often comes a bit of mischief—players might throw insults, play tricks, and sometimes quit games early if they’re losing, known as “rage-quitting.” The game’s chat feature, where players can talk to each other during the game, can turn into a wild scene, making it known as one of the more notorious gaming communities.

Take the example of Tyler1, a player and streamer known for his wild behavior. He was famous for his sharp tongue, playing pranks, and sometimes purposely losing games to annoy other players. These antics went against the teamwork and fair play that League of Legends aims to promote, and in 2016, Riot Games banned him. They said he was banned for consistently breaking the rules, like using bad language and bothering other players.

This incident highlighted the playful yet troublesome side of the League of Legends community. It showed the fine line between having fun and going too far. Since then, Riot has introduced better ways to report bad behavior and track it, trying to manage the toxicity while keeping the game enjoyable. Despite numerous efforts to curb poor behavior, many players still consider the League of Legends player base as the most toxic community in games.

World of Warcraft

In the context of the history of MMORPGs, World of Warcraft stands out as a pioneering title with a long and influential legacy. However, alongside its celebrated status, it has also encountered significant challenges related to player behavior. The game has seen its fair share of toxic players, especially within the competitive player-versus-player (PvP) scene.

In 2005, a significant event happened in the World of Warcraft community that clearly shows the complex dynamics and emotional investment of players in virtual worlds. A player who was part of the game’s community tragically passed away in real life. In response, her friends and guildmates decided to honor her memory by organizing an in-game funeral.

However, the event took an unexpected and distressing turn. Players from the opposing faction, learning of the funeral (possibly through public postings meant to invite more mourners), decided to disrupt the proceedings. They launched a surprise attack during the ceremony, effectively “bombing” the funeral with their in-game characters.


Toxicity in gaming is a widespread issue that affects many popular online games, including Fortnite, the free-to-play battle royale sensation. Attracting players of all ages, Fortnite’s diverse player base unfortunately means that younger gamers often encounter toxic behavior and offensive language.

Call of Duty

The Call of Duty franchise boasts a huge player base and is one of the most popular video game series around the world. However, it’s also infamous for the presence of toxic players within its community. Trash talk, cheating, and unsportsmanlike conduct are fairly common issues, especially in the multiplayer modes where competition is fierce.

A notable example of toxic behaviour gone too far in Call of Duty occurred with a swatting incident involving two players in 2017. This extreme case began with a heated argument over a Call of Duty game, which led to one of the players falsely reporting a hostage situation at the address of the other. The call to police was supposed to be a prank, but it tragically resulted in law enforcement fatally shooting an innocent person who was not involved in the dispute. This incident dramatically underscored the potential real-world consequences of online gaming toxicity.


Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch features a diverse cast of heroes, but its community has faced problems with toxic players who engage in harassment, griefing, and throwing matches. The in-game reporting system aims to combat this issue, but it remains a significant concern for many players.

A well-documented example of this problem was the case involving a professional Overwatch player, Dafran. In 2017, Dafran was suspended by both his professional team and Blizzard for intentionally throwing matches during competitive play. His actions included deliberately choosing characters he did not normally play and using tactics that would not contribute to his team’s victory—all of which he streamed live to his audience. This behavior was a blatant example of “throwing” matches, severely affecting not only the outcomes of the games but also undermining the fairness required for legitimate esports betting.

In response to such incidents, Blizzard has continually updated and refined Overwatch’s reporting and penalty systems. The developers have introduced features aimed at promoting positive behavior among players and reducing negativity, such as endorsements and a “looking for group” feature to help players find like-minded teammates.


When listing the top 10 most toxic gaming communities, Counter-Strike often comes to mind. This game boasts a competitive and dedicated player base that has contributed to its longstanding popularity. However, it is not without its problems. Issues such as hacking and cheating are rampant, undermining the integrity of play and fueling unhappiness among its participants.

Moreover, the game’s matchmaking system does not always align well-matched players. Often, experienced players find themselves teamed up with novices, a situation that can lead to significant frustration and hostility.

Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege has gained popularity in the tactical shooter genre, but it’s not immune to toxic behavior. Players often argue and insult each other, and some engage in griefing or team-killing. Ubisoft has taken steps to address this problem.

Dota 2

Dota 2, another popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), shares many of the same issues as League of Legends. Players often engage in verbal abuse and blame their teammates for losses. Toxicity has been a long-standing issue, despite efforts to improve player behavior.

An illustrative example of Dota 2’s toxicity can be seen in the case of a professional player known as Solo. In 2013, Solo was caught in a major scandal for intentionally losing a match in order to win a bet he placed against his own team. This incident, widely known in the community as “322” (a term now used to refer to any intentional sabotage of a game), not only highlighted the issue of match-fixing in esports but also demonstrated a severe case of toxic behavior undermining the integrity of competitive gaming.


Rust is a survival game that encourages player interaction and competition for resources. While this can lead to exciting gameplay, it also results in intense hostility, raiding, and constant threats from other players. Rust’s environment can be as harsh as its player base.

A good example of toxic behavior in Rust involves the use of “door camping,” where players wait outside another player’s base to kill them as soon as they exit. This tactic can be incredibly frustrating and demoralizing, especially for newer players who find themselves repeatedly killed without the opportunity to progress or defend themselves effectively.

Grand Theft Auto Online

Grand Theft Auto Online offers a vast open world for players to explore, but it’s also home to a significant number of trolls and griefers. Players often engage in destructive and aggressive behavior, making it difficult for newcomers to enjoy the game’s online mode. As fans look forward to the release of GTA 6, there is speculation and hope that the situation might improve.

Final Thoughts: Are Video Games Toxic?

While these gaming communities have their fair share of toxic players, it’s essential to remember that not everyone in these communities is problematic. Many players in these communities are friendly, supportive, and enjoy their gaming experiences without causing harm. Developers and community managers are continually working to improve player behavior through reporting systems, moderation, and in-game incentives.

As gamers, we can contribute to a healthier gaming environment by promoting positive behavior, respect, and sportsmanship within these communities. Ultimately, gaming should be an enjoyable hobby for everyone.